Real Mobiles, Real Sims, Real Radio Condition
Test real use cases which matters to users.
MTAS's mobile application and cloud native central server make testing super fast.

So what exactly can I do with MTAS APP?
Maximum testing with minimum hardware, maximum flexibility with minimum OPEX, maximum analytics with minimum time.

Drive Testing

Event Reporting

Network Assurance

Network Testing

Customer Complaint
Powerful network testing automation with zero infrastructure cost.
14-day trial of the MTAS Application Service. No credit card required.
Speed up testing with better results
With powerful APIs and predefined test suits, it doesn’t take long to get started.

Access remotely connected mobiles (android/iOS) from your browser. Most convenient manual testing solution to keep testers away from highlighted radiated environment.

Mobile application enables central server to schedule test cases on remote mobiles. Get additional errors, services status and radio parameters from mobiles which are not possible with manual and other testing tools.

MTAS Qaudio
Measure audio quality using MOS values.
Reporting and Analysis
Powerful reporting, powerful trace analysing, powerful localization.
Global dashboard provides 360 view, keep eyes on real-time network performance KPI and errors. Triggers points send notifications incase of abnormality.
Detect errors in network traces and validate call flow, deep comparison of two trace files.

MTAS Reporter
Real-time reports help teams to keep eye on network performance. Integrate test data to your existing reporting tool. Create custom dashboard as you wish.

Automate trace analysing process with ease. Features included error detection, call flow validation, critical fields check.
Protocol support :SIP, Diameter, Camel, S1AP and adding more.

MTAS Locator
Get GEO location from 2D to 3D. Also get radio values : cell coverage, cell location, RSRQ, RSRP, SINR, CQI.